Monthly Archives: February 2012


Free Prostitute Disfigurement all dayer at Unicorn, Camden, London

Prostitute Disfigurement London Unicorn Camden Death Metal alldayer


Quick update on the London Prostitute Disfigurement date on 6th May.


The venue has changed to the Unicorn in Camden and this now means the all dayer will be FREE OF CHARGE.  Yes you saw the above line up and read that correctly.  This means you'd better turn up cash in hand and spend it on some lovely band merchandise, touring don't come cheap!!


Completing the line up is:

By |2012-02-24T00:00:00+00:00February 24th, 2012|Featured Gigs|0 Comments

LIVE REVIEW: Thin Lizzy, Clutch, and Triggerfinger, Brighton Dome 3rd February 2012

thin lizzy clutch brighton dome live review metalgigs gig listings metal gigs

Thin Lizzy, Clutch, Triggerfinger, Brighton Dome, Friday 3rd February 2012


Words and photos by Antony Roberts


Arriving at the rather spacious and grand Brighton Dome and Triggerfinger had already taken to the stage.  Prior to their support announcement I had not heard the name, so I had briefly checked out the myspace but from what I'd heard I was not too fussed about catching them.  Thankfully I did get there early though as they are one of those bands that fair a lot better in a live environment, and they were very different, at least compared to the few tracks i had heard from their myspace.  Any singer 

By |2012-02-08T00:00:00+00:00February 8th, 2012|Gig Reviews|0 Comments

Suffocation London date, now supported by

Suffocation live in london march 2012 cerebral bore hate blood red throne cattle decapitation


PROUD AS HELL would be an understatement, but is now an official supporter of the London date for Suffocation's UK Tour.


Featuring the frankly amazing line up of:


Cattle Decapitation


Blood Red Throne

Cerebral Bore

and with more support acts to be announced the advance price tickets of £18.50 are a steal for a line up already FILLED with 5 very high calibre bands.


We'll see you in the pit...


Tickets can be purchased from the Underworld website here.

By |2012-02-06T00:00:00+00:00February 6th, 2012|Featured Gigs|0 Comments

LIVE REVIEW: Skepticism and Pantheist, St Giles In The Fields Church, London, 28th January 2012

Skepticism live london church metalgigs metal gigs gig listings live review


Skepticism and Pantheist, St Giles In The Fields Church, London, 28th January 2012


Words and photos by Antony Roberts


Finland's Skepticism may have formed back in 1991 but they had never made it to the British Isles in the 21 years since their conception.  This last weekend brought about a halting to their abstinence, as they showcased a monstrous live performance in London.  


The setting was St Giles In The Fields Church in Holborn right in

By |2012-02-05T00:00:00+00:00February 5th, 2012|Gig Reviews|0 Comments

Sunn O))) announce 2 dates for the UK in 2012, HMV Ritz Manchester and Koko London

Sunn O))) UK dates Manchester HMV Ritx London Koko gig lietings metalgigs metal gigs

Just in case you missed it on our facebook wall yesterday (why aren't you following us!!) Sunn O))) have announced 2 dates for June 2012.

They will be playing a quadrophonic sound gig at HMV Ritz, intriguing for sure:

Now Wave are pleased to announce the return of Sunn O))) to Manchester this Summer, with an exclusive show at HMV Ritz. The celebrated Seattle band's live show is a notoriously deep and atmospheric one, and on 11th June an immersive quadraphonic surround

By |2012-02-04T00:00:00+00:00February 4th, 2012|Featured Gigs|0 Comments

LIVE REVIEW: Conan, Dead Existence, Sea Bastard, Pus, Brighton Cowley Club, Saturday 21st January 2012

Conan Sea Bastard Dead Existence Pus Brighton Cowley Club live review gig listings metalgigs metal gigs

Conan/Dead Existence/Sea Bastard/Pus - Brighton Cowley Club - Saturday 21 January 2012

By Gary Lukes

Right from the start, The Cowley Club sets itself off as a little bit different. Waiting at the heavy entrance door for the doorbell to be answered, you’d be forgiven for expecting a rendezvous with some kind of clandestine coalition. However, rather than being greeted by some malefic, cowled figure, we are instead invited in by a friendly doorman, the venue inside presenting itself as somewhere between a drop-in centre and a bookshop, offering no actual stage. Most crucially, the acoustics seem clear and the foundations suitably sturdy. Which is the biggest relief of all, as tonight’s line-up will test both to their limit.

Unfortunately, we arrive just in time to hear Pus winding down their set of twisted, hateful sludge. Living up to their name, the South Wales act seep diseased, down-tuned destruction from their crusty, open wounds. Monstrous howls and driving percussion pulsating amongst

By |2012-02-04T00:00:00+00:00February 4th, 2012|Gig Reviews|0 Comments

Sonic Obliteration 2012 alldayer with Ulcerate and Svart Crown this Sunday

Sonic Obliteration 2012 extreme festival alldayer metal gigs gig listings metalgigs Ulcerate Svart Crown


Don't forget this Sunday is the return of Sonic Obliteration, last year saw Cerebral Bore tear it up, this year brings Ulcerate and Svart Crown to our shores with a serious amount of amazing support.  If you don't know Ulcerate what is wrong with you?!!  Technical layered extreme metal, I imagine if Neurosis had been a Death Metal band they may have ended up sounding something like Ulcerate.  Check them out here:

This is the start of their UK tour with further dates in Glasgow, Liverpool and Birmingham, details of which you can find on the above link.

Stage Times have now been announced for Sonic Obliteration and are as follows:

By |2012-02-02T00:00:00+00:00February 2nd, 2012|Featured Gigs|0 Comments