Site Updates

/Site Updates

Website issues – updated

test photo

Ignore this post - the site is fixed and back up and running for submissions 


Hi everyone, since switching to our new webhosts we are having an error 406 issue which means new bands can not be added to the listings.  We're aware of the issue and trying to fix it asap so please bear with us until the fix is sorted.  You can still add gigs to the website, just not new bands, so if a band is not on the website that is supporting please add them into the extra info field, do not bother creating a new band as it will vanish into the cosmos!!


In the meantime here's a poster for the upcoming Opeth and Alcest tour, tickets can be found here.

By |2014-09-09T00:00:00+00:00September 9th, 2014|Site Updates|0 Comments

Metalgigs is still going

Godsized Brighton Concorde 2

Just a very quick update for you all and a random photo of Godsized with an impressive beard.  This is just to let you know that gig listings are continuing to be updated, but news posts have stopped, i didn't want people to come on the site and think it's not being updated, it is on the listings page, just not on the news. I'd like to thank all the bands, promoters, and the public who are adding listings to help keep every one of our 10,000+ visitors a month in the know about the latest gigs.  

Due to ongoing personal family matters I will not be updating the news for the foreseeable future, but will continue with the listings side.  To all those that have offered to help during this period, the best thing you can do is add gigs if you see they are missing and keep the site listings fresh whilst I deal with the ongoing matters. Keep an eye and follow the facebook page as i will be using this for tour announcements and news updates from now on.  THANK YOU to all those that have reached out, your support is appreciated, Antony Roberts (Metalgigs owner).


By |2013-10-16T00:00:00+00:00October 16th, 2013|Site Updates|0 Comments

At Roadburn….back soon!

Roadburn 2012


Metalgigs will be away at Roadburn for the next week.


Site creator Antony will be helping shoot and update the Roadburn website with lots of photos over the festival, so why not head to to catch up on what's happening.  This year's line up is amazing as always with Sleep, Yob, Necros Christos, Disembowelment, Agalloch, Ulver, Voivod, The Obsessed, Jesu and many, many more.


We will be continuing to update facebook and twitter whilst away so why not like/follow us to stay in touch with all the goings on...


By |2012-04-09T00:00:00+00:00April 9th, 2012|Site Updates|0 Comments

Listings delay…


We're away at Download festival watching Ghost, Hell, Down and Clutch amongst others....listings will resume on Tuesday upon our return.  Follow us on Twitter and facebook to keep up to date with the latest goings on at Donington Park.

By |2011-06-09T01:20:38+00:00June 9th, 2011|Site Updates|0 Comments


There's been a whole massive host of gig updates on the site so be sure to check out the listings for all the latest editions.  We've got some more surprises in store for next week to, watch this space...

By |2011-06-02T19:00:55+00:00June 2nd, 2011|Site Updates|0 Comments

Site Maintenance

We're updating a large section of the site backend at the moment to incorporate the band directory so gigs are not currently being updated.  We will be live with the full site first week of June, in the meantime like our facebook page and follow our twitter to keep up to date with all the latest gig announcements...

By |2011-05-08T14:31:22+00:00May 8th, 2011|Site Updates|0 Comments

Beta Site Launched!

Metal Gigs is an on going project and this is the BETA release version!

The plan is to eventually bring you the most up to date gig listings, news, festival reviews, band info, promoter info and venue info and loads more.

Coming soon!

  • Search gigs by genre (within 2 weeks)
  • Search gigs on distance from a UK post code
  • Band pages
  • Promoter pages
  • Promoters and approved users will be able to add gigs
  • More venues
  • Continual gig and music news

New features and fixes are being added every day.

If you have news or dates you want to share, get in touch.

We are also asking anyone and everyone to give us feedback about the site!

Use our contact or Facebook page now!

By |2011-04-14T22:43:59+00:00April 14th, 2011|Site Updates|0 Comments