Next week will see 2 heavyweights hit the UK in the form of American 5 piece Inter Arma and the German two piece monster that is Mantar. Having been blown away by both bands in the live environment I felt compelled to spread the word about this tour as it needs a push and you seriously need to check out both bands on this tour live.
Formed in Richmond, Virginia in 2006 Inter Arma had released a few demos, a split, EP and a full length over the years up until 2012, but it was their second full length “Sky Burial” released in 2013 on Relapse Records which really made the metal world stand up and take notice. A complicated album, it gave metal journos headaches worldwide trying to describe it’s complex mix that transcended many musical subgenres. One unanimous word was brought up on all of those reviews and that was HEAVY. They have gone on to release the ambitious 1 track 46 minute EP “The Cavern” last month which has caused further head scratching for writers but provided fans of heavy music with a crushing tome. It’s been described on bandcamp as “a phenomenally orchestrated descent into hell” and “monumental…a masterpiece…a work of art…an experience. I’m using words, but there really are no words…”. You get the idea, if you are not familiar with them check out both releases below and crank them up LOUD!
The thing with this tour is that it’s not just Inter Arma you need to watch out for though, as support comes from Hamburg based Mantar. Described as sounding heavier than most 5 pieces this 2 piece combo of drums and guitar released their debut album “Death by Burning” in February this year on Svart Records and…well…you just need to click play on the stream below. This raw and self produced 10 track debut is a crushing mix of punky, sludgy, blackened doom and should be on a lot of ‘best of’ end of year lists. Check the release out yourself below, and then imagine it at ear pounding volume in your local venue \m/
Inter Arma and Mantar play the following dates:
1st December – The Black Heart, Camden, London (with Satanic Dystopia) TICKETS
2nd Decmber – TBC
3rd December – Audio, Glasgow (with Dune and Headless Kross) TICKETS
4th December – The Anvil, Bournemouth (with TBC) TICKETS
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